As a fellow Gen Z who shares the same sentiments, this is an incredibly well written article. Thank you for sharing and keep on sharing the truth. We will be the change!
I am now in my 70's and fought -- hard -- for rights that are now being stripped away at light speed. My generation welcomes the strength, energy, conviction and passion of your generation. We will need each other to weather this degradation of our democratic republic. I always appreciate your voice and your willingness to engage with the fans of FELON47. Nice job on Day 1!
I appreciate the fire you have under your ass. I have someone who reports to me close to your age who was on the verge of tears because the world has been burning since he was born. I joined the local democratic club and can’t wait to start with it. We’re in this together 🙌
As an 80-year-old, I loved your article and every point you made! You give me hope for my children and grandchildren. They stand beside us to help save Democracy! Keep up the good work!
Thank you for speaking up! We need your generation. On behalf of my generation, I apologize for what we have allowed to happen, and will fight with you this uphill battle.
Just subscribed on the strength of this article, Adam. It’s ably written, and I like your opinions. May your gift of verbal skill serve you well. I’m a GenXer and, although I’m a lifelong Democrat, I think both major parties need repair. (I actually feel the GOP is beyond fixing, but anything’s possible, I suppose.) I encourage you — and all of us — to work toward overhauling and modernizing the US’s *entire* electoral system. The zero-sum game has broken the nation, and I truly hope we can move to something better.
I am encouraged whenever I hear you speak. You are not like any 22 year old I have seen and I am so proud of you. I am sorry that the American people have let us down in putting that felon back in power. These years should be fun and exciting for you and your generation. I am so grateful we have people like you bringing truth.
Love it. I totally am grateful andvtrust you. You're intelligent and logical. And wise. I need youngers to give me current insight. I am 67. I believe this world belongs to you guys now. And you help mw me calm my rage at whats happening. Keep going.
My husband and his son are French born and are naturalized Canadian and American citizens. If his son didn't live in the US I would insist on leaving the US. I'm working on French citizenship by marriage, which I hope to be ready to ask for this year. If at all possible I will not die in a country that might look like it did during my childhood before Jim Crow ended in the mid-60s.
Canada has their problems with the Progressive Conservatives gaining popularity, but their parliamentary system makes it harder for an authoritarian takeover to happen. Good luck!
Please hurry ... As a 61 year old I am hoping to see more from the younger generations in seats of power. Sooner rather than later.
I saw your interview with Elizabeth Warren ... EXCELLENT JOB. Although I agree with her 💯%, especially about the Medicare Advantage scam, I hope to see and hear more from the likes of AOC, Jasmine Crockett and reporters such as yourself. Those my age and older I find tired and out of date. I'm not saying we ALL need to go out to pasture but it's time we step back and support those coming up behind us so that they can take us even further forward than we can imagine. We've had our turn ... And here we are. We need FRESH thinking NEW ideas. We need people to FORGE paths not follow the same dusty roads of the past.
Thank you for being a voice of reason among chaos and carrying the weight of honest and earnest discourse into the future.
Preamble to the Constitution:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
End of Lincoln's Address:
-- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
Neoliberalism in its current form is dead IMO, many see it as putting a bandaid over a chainsaw wound and it's a large part of why we're here today, we watched dems stomp out progressive voices and neglect working-class people, become an uninspiring gerontocracy and making it far more difficult to establish a true left wing coalition because of their capitulation to the right and corporate interests, to the point where the leading DNC Chair candidate is rambling on about "good and bad billionaires". I say this not to be negative but to remind everyone that we cannot sit idly and let our "leaders" in the Democratic party continue to disregard and not prioritize the promises that they make to us without consequence, we have to hold Dems accountable, because while the odds are stacked against us resource and money wise, we have to be on our A game if we want to halt the descent of this country into facism, organizing seems to be just a buzzword at times when the right mobilize with swift precision to misinform people and screw people over, while democrats are too busy fighting Bernie, AOC, and other progressive voices because they got a check from AIPAC.
As a fellow Gen Z who shares the same sentiments, this is an incredibly well written article. Thank you for sharing and keep on sharing the truth. We will be the change!
Means a lot Landon 🤝
I am now in my 70's and fought -- hard -- for rights that are now being stripped away at light speed. My generation welcomes the strength, energy, conviction and passion of your generation. We will need each other to weather this degradation of our democratic republic. I always appreciate your voice and your willingness to engage with the fans of FELON47. Nice job on Day 1!
Discovered you recently & now I catch you daily
Cannot thank you enough for the very fine work you do
I believe Gen z is our Greatest Generation, you guys are going to save our asses, inspiring!
Thanks in advance ☺️
I appreciate the fire you have under your ass. I have someone who reports to me close to your age who was on the verge of tears because the world has been burning since he was born. I joined the local democratic club and can’t wait to start with it. We’re in this together 🙌
As an 80-year-old, I loved your article and every point you made! You give me hope for my children and grandchildren. They stand beside us to help save Democracy! Keep up the good work!
Thank you for speaking up! We need your generation. On behalf of my generation, I apologize for what we have allowed to happen, and will fight with you this uphill battle.
Just subscribed on the strength of this article, Adam. It’s ably written, and I like your opinions. May your gift of verbal skill serve you well. I’m a GenXer and, although I’m a lifelong Democrat, I think both major parties need repair. (I actually feel the GOP is beyond fixing, but anything’s possible, I suppose.) I encourage you — and all of us — to work toward overhauling and modernizing the US’s *entire* electoral system. The zero-sum game has broken the nation, and I truly hope we can move to something better.
Yes. Get rid of the Electoral College. One person one vote for the whole country.
I am encouraged whenever I hear you speak. You are not like any 22 year old I have seen and I am so proud of you. I am sorry that the American people have let us down in putting that felon back in power. These years should be fun and exciting for you and your generation. I am so grateful we have people like you bringing truth.
Don't mind my face. It's been stuck like this since the golden escalator.
You had me at the first semi-colon.
Gen x has your back.
Love it. I totally am grateful andvtrust you. You're intelligent and logical. And wise. I need youngers to give me current insight. I am 67. I believe this world belongs to you guys now. And you help mw me calm my rage at whats happening. Keep going.
Adam I’m done we’re leaving to Canada I know taxes are high but my baby girl needs to be protected
My husband and his son are French born and are naturalized Canadian and American citizens. If his son didn't live in the US I would insist on leaving the US. I'm working on French citizenship by marriage, which I hope to be ready to ask for this year. If at all possible I will not die in a country that might look like it did during my childhood before Jim Crow ended in the mid-60s.
Canada has their problems with the Progressive Conservatives gaining popularity, but their parliamentary system makes it harder for an authoritarian takeover to happen. Good luck!
I hope more young people like you speak out and never give up! You rock Adam. ✌️
Excellent reporting. I love your style!
Excellent maiden voyage on Substack, Adam. God bless you and keep up the trailblazing work.
Please hurry ... As a 61 year old I am hoping to see more from the younger generations in seats of power. Sooner rather than later.
I saw your interview with Elizabeth Warren ... EXCELLENT JOB. Although I agree with her 💯%, especially about the Medicare Advantage scam, I hope to see and hear more from the likes of AOC, Jasmine Crockett and reporters such as yourself. Those my age and older I find tired and out of date. I'm not saying we ALL need to go out to pasture but it's time we step back and support those coming up behind us so that they can take us even further forward than we can imagine. We've had our turn ... And here we are. We need FRESH thinking NEW ideas. We need people to FORGE paths not follow the same dusty roads of the past.
Thank you for being a voice of reason among chaos and carrying the weight of honest and earnest discourse into the future.
Preamble to the Constitution:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
End of Lincoln's Address:
-- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
Neoliberalism in its current form is dead IMO, many see it as putting a bandaid over a chainsaw wound and it's a large part of why we're here today, we watched dems stomp out progressive voices and neglect working-class people, become an uninspiring gerontocracy and making it far more difficult to establish a true left wing coalition because of their capitulation to the right and corporate interests, to the point where the leading DNC Chair candidate is rambling on about "good and bad billionaires". I say this not to be negative but to remind everyone that we cannot sit idly and let our "leaders" in the Democratic party continue to disregard and not prioritize the promises that they make to us without consequence, we have to hold Dems accountable, because while the odds are stacked against us resource and money wise, we have to be on our A game if we want to halt the descent of this country into facism, organizing seems to be just a buzzword at times when the right mobilize with swift precision to misinform people and screw people over, while democrats are too busy fighting Bernie, AOC, and other progressive voices because they got a check from AIPAC.